Aahana – The Perfect Retreat Just 5 hrs From Delhi

aahana swimming pool

Aahana – The Perfect Retreat Just 5 hrs From Delhi

The days were going very hectic when I got an invite for the experiential stay at Aahana (The Perfect Retreat). It is a good opportunity to take a break from my hectic schedule, I thought and decided to head to one of the finest Luxury Eco-conscious resort in Corbett. And, no surprise, I had the calmest and dreamy time of my life!


Spread over a sprawling 11 acres amidst the wild environs of Corbett Tiger Reserve, it is a perfect place to unwind. The morning walks, simple yet delicious meal served with lots of love and care, the cozy afternoon siesta, the evenings spent by the poolside listening to mild tunes on guitar and the mesmerizing star-studded nights – all of this made my stay perfect!

The property overlooks the Bijrani forest and is ideal for bird watching. More than 173 bird species frequent the property.  Just sitting on my balcony I could see more than 15 varieties of birds. 
Morning walk in the campus breathing fresh air laden with the lemony scent of citronella, listening to sweet bird songs, and cherishing the variety of tree plantations with more than 200 species, I was refreshed to the core. 

Aahana The Perfect Retreat
A Well Planned Walking Pathway in the Midst of Nature 


Being a responsible traveler, I was thrilled to know it’s an ecologically responsible resort. And it’s not just a claim I saw many such initiatives in the property:
 – The water conservation and waste management system. The water treatment plant here is one of the biggest of its kind in Asia. The plant effectively recycles wastewater and is used for gardening etc. The pathways have been constructed in such a way that it allows rainwater to seep in and thus maintaining the underground water table.

Aahana The Perfect Retreat
The Water Treatment Plant – Biggest of its kind in Asia 

– The Waste Management SystemAll the biodegradable waste generated within the property is decomposed and utilized as manure for gardens and organic farming. The non-biodegradable waste is collected, segregated and sent for recycling, maintaining the ecological balance within the resort. I was highly impressed to see the way my breakfast for the journey was packed in paper bags are made of used newspapers and biodegradable plates made of Areca Nut Palm leaf.
– The Organic Garden There are gardens that grow organic vegetables, spices, and medicinal plants and herbs as well that are used for treatments and therapies in the spa. 
It was interesting to see how the cow urine mixed with neem leaves is used as a pesticide for the plantations. 


Last but not the least, the comfortable well-equipped rooms with every minute detail taken into consideration. Like umbrellas in the room, a disposable bag in the bathroom, and the usual – robes, slippers, locker, and other required accessories.

Aahana The Perfect Retreat
Comfortable Room Opening Up to The Forest

Another highlight of the stay was simple delicious food cooked from fresh seasonal vegetables locally sourced or grown in the in-house organic kitchen garden. Got the taste of local flavors in their Kumaoni cuisine. 

Aahana The Perfect Retreat
The Multi-Cuisine Restaurant

It’s good to know that the resort support locals. Out of 105 staff members, 90% are locals. And all of them were extremely hospitable. 


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