Aahana The Corbett Wilderness standing strong in between the woodland of Corbett National Park


Woodland of Corbett: Deeply Rooted to Land: Aahana-The Corbett Wilderness

Located near Sawaldeh village in Ram Nagar, the resort is a private hideaway of 45 rooms in 10 Victorian styles villas, built with locally available stones and handcrafted by local tradesmen.

STARTED BY a family of freedom fighters in the year 2002, Aahana-The Corbett Wilderness stands strong in between the woodland of Corbett National Park. The family, for their deep-rooted concern for ‘Jal’, ‘Jungle’ and ‘Zameen’ started the resort on land which was sandy and supported no agriculture. Both the partners of the resort Kamal Tripathi and his wife Sunita Tripathi take active participation in giving back to society through various sustainable initiatives.

Read more at BW BWHOTELIER

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